Date of Birth/Age
Phone Number
May we leave a message at the above number?
Email Address
May we leave a message at your email address? Email correspondence is not considered to be a confidential medium of communication.
Marital Status
History: Have you previously received any type of mental health services (psychotherapy, psychiatric services,etc.)? If yes, previous therapist/practitioner: Are you currently taking any prescription medication? If yes, please list: Have you ever been prescribed psychiatric medication? If yes, please list and provide dates:
Referral Source:
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number
Medical history: current medical problems; also any medical hospitalizations
Current medications; amount taken each day; name of the doctor
Mental health history: Have you ever attempted suicide? Are you currently thinking about hurting yourself or others
Are you currently self-administering any mental health medications? If so please list the names and who prescribes them and your diagnosis
Legal: Are you currently on probation/pretrial? If yes please write name, address, and fax number who information will go to
What is your current charge/s? Past legal charges.
Please write exactly what you have been ordered to do (if you do not know look on your court order or ask the person who has asked you to complete requirement)
Employer Name, Address, Your Job Title, and How Long There
Education: High Level of Education Completed
Substance Use: Do you currently drink alcohol or beer or use drugs?
If you do drink alcohol or beer or use drugs when was the last time you used drank or used drugs? How much beer or alcohol did you drink or drugs used?
How often would you say you drink alcohol or beer or use drugs?
History of abuse or trauma (i.e., physical, emotional, mental or sexual) If so please describe
What is your goal/s or what would you like to accomplish or see change as a result of engaging in therapy, education, or treatment?
User Agreement
Today's Date